Latest new and updates

Miach continued personal development – update!

In between appointments, Will has been using his free time to further his personal development and undergo training in a number of new therapies and treatments. Over the past few months Will has been completed a number new qualifications which he is now about to offer to his clients, these include:

  • Oncology Massage
  • Electrotherapy & Ultrasound
  • Pregnancy Massage
  • Emergency Response Driver Training (ERDT)

For details of up to date prices, advice or an informal chat about any of the therapies and treatments Will offers, please get in touch. You can now book an appointment online using the ‘Book Appointment Online’ links found on the contact page.

Miach continued personal development

As always keeping up to date with the best practices and skills for clients is important for Miach Therapies. Will is always keen to take full advantage of his spare time to work on his personal development. During the coming months he will be undergoing training in three new therapies and disciplines.

  • Pregnancy Massage – available from 7th of May.
  • Oncology Massage – available from 7th of June.
  • Electrotherapy & Ultrasound – available from 12th of July.

Thai massage: personal development – complete!

Following his six week intensive course, Will has now completed his personal development and is now able to offer clients tailored made Thai massage, treatment and therapy sessions.

Will fully submerged himself in to the six week course, living and studying out in Chiang Mai region for the duration, soaking up the peace and tranquility of the beautiful countryside, while also enjoying the teachings of world renowned Master Therdchai Chumphoopong.

Thai massage is both therapeutic and healing, it is performed in a rhythmic and meditative way to increase well-being to another level.

What is Thai Massage?

Thai massage therapy is a complex treatment, here is a breakdown of information that may be useful.

  1. There are a number of Thai massage therapies. The more traditional therapy studied in the North of the country is called ‘Nuat Thai Boran’ it is different from what is taught in the South which is regarded and called the Royal Method.
  2. Nuat Thai Boran is based on the teachings and methods of the Father, Doctor & Teacher Shivago Komargaj. Which blends together different methods, techniques, rules and disciplines to form a more complete tailored treatment for clients.
  3. The use of rhythmic techniques such as pressure, movement, stretching, thumbing, palming, squeezing, circling, sliding, rolling, rotating, twisting, cracking and chopping. Adding the use of bamboo, tok sen, cloth and hot herbal compressions gives this Nuat Thai Boran a very unique and powerful option on tailored treatments for clients.
  4. Thai (massage) therapy is based on the idea that energy flows through the body in channels called Zen lines, there are roughly 2,700 Sen in the body but Thai Therapy tends to work the Ten major ones. So the direct connection between each Zen line, points along it and its location to any ailments found can be treated using Thai therapy techniques.

Thai massage: personal development – update

Will is away in Thailand continuing his personal development. He is currently living and studying alongside a small number of fellow students with world renowned Master Therdchai Chumphoopong, a teacher with over 25 years experience in Thai massage therapy.

Located in the Chiang Mai region of the country, Will is enjoying the peace and tranquility of the beautiful countryside allowing him to fully submerge himself in to his training. He has sent a little video from ‘The Fine Art of Thai Massage’ school.

Miach personal development – Thai massage

During a six week period of June through to July, Will is taking the opportunity to travel to Chiang Mai, Thailand to study Thai massage and therapy with the world renowned Master Therdchai Chumphoopong (aka Mac), a teacher with over 25 years of experience. He will be living and studying with Mac and his fellow students, submerging himself fully in to the course.

Will is taking this once in a life time opportunity to study and continue with his personal development, allowing him to offer his clients tailored made treatments and therapies. Thai massage is both therapeutic and healing, it is performed in a rhythmic and meditative way to increase well-being to another level.

25% Off in May!!

To celebrate a successful year in practice with the lovely team at Neals Yard Cheltenham. For any 1 hour or 1.5 hour treatment booked for the month of May, both new and existing customers will get a whopping 25% discount. Just a little thank you from me for everyone’s generous support through-out the past year and for the future. Kind regards Alwyn (Will).

Massage Therapist Montpellier Cheltenham Gloucestershire Miach Holistic Therapies Alwyn Williams

Miach continued personal development – update!

During lockdown, Miach announced that Will was using his time to continue with personal development, and studying for further qualifications. Miach can now reveal that Will has succesfully gained Level 3 Award in Education & Training, and commenced to Level 5 Sports Massage.

Alwyn Williams Deep Tissue Massage Cheltenham Gloucestershire Miach Holistic Therapies Massage

Massages are officially good for your health!

Take a little look at this video posted by the BBC – explaining the science behind what happens to your body when you are having a massage – and exactly why massages can have a great effect on your overall health!

Miach Holistic Therapies Massage Therapist Montpellier Cheltenham Gloucestershire

Miach continued personal development

Whilst Miach are unable to open at present, Will is still keen to take full advantage of his spare time to really work on our personal development. When Miach are allowed to finally reopen, I will be ready to offer you the same value and professionalism across my existing and new disciplines! I have been studying Sports Massage Level 5 and an Initial Teacher training Level 3 Award in education and training.

Alwyn Williams Deep Tissue Massage Cheltenham Gloucestershire Miach Holistic Therapies Massage

Covid 19 update

Important Covid19 Update – Now in Tier 4

Due to new government restrictions of Tier 4, Miach Holistic Therapies are closed until these restrictions are lifted. If any of my customers have purchased vouchers for themselves, friends or family for this year – please do not worry – they will all still be honoured. I really hope that all of my customers and their families are staying safe, and thank you for all your support and patience.
